Natural Ways To Become Pregnant Fast

By Deegan Love

Introduction: Getting pregnancy, as you think, is not as easy as 123. While some women are blessed (though others consider this a curse) to have a very active fertility system, you may not have that. And that's when you need outside help. There are numerous methods that can help you get pregnant, but the best interventions are always the natural ones.

Difficulty: 3

Things You'll Need: healthy food, vitamins, minerals and herbal , A partner

Step 1. The first step to get pregnant is to have a partner. Do you have one already? Well, if you don not have one yet, then go find yourself one first. You can't expect to make a baby by yourself, can you? If you're married, then the partner would most likely be your husband (who else?). But if you aren't, you can have your boyfriend as your partner or even your friend (if in case you just need a donor so that you can have a baby all by yoursef).

Step 2. Then, once you have a parter already, stop using contraceptives. Most women on the pill don't get pregnant right after they stop, since the body still takes time to readjust from all the chemicals and hormones. This isn't to say that you won't become pregnant immediately as well, because some women also do.

Women who use Depo - Povera, which is a contraceptive that is injectable, usually take months before they get pregnant. Again, this doesn't apply to all situations, since some women do get pregnant right away. Stopping the use of barrier methods, however, like male and females condoms may have an immediate effect since the use of these contraceptives do not affect a woman's chemistry in the first place.

Step 3. If you're looking forward to getting pregnant as soon as possible, then you should prepare your body for it as soon as you can. This means that you should start getting rid of all the toxins in your body, and avoid stresses as well. These two are some of the culprits for fertility problems. Your partner should be in on the efforts as well. Incorporate these things into your daily life:

- Eating a balanced diet. This includes foods that are rich in anti oxidants, minerals and vitamins. Organic food should be chosen because typical produce can contain pesticides, which can cause fertility problems.

- Stop Smoking. Nicotine has an adverse effect on the cervical mucous, and can cause fertilization problems as well. This causes double problems since nicotine also lowers sperm count.

- Give up Your Coffee. Well, if you can't stop drinking, then at least cut back on your coffee consumption. Too much coffee (200mg of caffeine or more, which is approximately 2 cups of coffee - don't forget to count in your tea and soda intake as well) can increase your chances of miscarriage.

- Regular exercise keeps you ffit and healthy. It also prepares your body for pregnancy. Exercise helps regulate your sleeping patterns also.

- Sleep More and Sleep Better. People who are deprived of sleep have lower levels of leptin, a hormone that affects ovulation.

Step 4. Vitamins and supplements are also essential when one wants to get pregnant. The right amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy lessens the risk of prenatal conditions such as neural tube defects.

Don't forget to take herbal supplements to balance your hormone levels as well. Calcium, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6a are essential vitamins and minerals that sustain the balance of the hormones. There are also herbs that are associated with the balance of the hormones, and among these are:

- Chamomile

- Chamomile

- ginkgo biloba

- saw palmetto

- licorice root.

Remember to consult your doctor first before taking in any of these supplements.

Step 5. Of course, you should also record the duration of your menstruation. Mark down when your menstruation started and then observe that every month. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, then there's a big possibility that like most women, your whole cycle lasts for about 28 days, making your ovulation period fall at around the 14 day of the cycle. But of course, this can vary from woman to woman.

Step 6. Have unprotected sex regularly. Do this for a couple of days leading to your ovulation period. Sperm cells can survive for two to three days inside your reproductive tract. Thus, you should have sex with your partner around two to three days before your ovulation period, and the following days after that.

- Mind Your Positions. While this hasn't been scientifically proven, some positions allow the sperm to be closer to the cervix. Missionary position, for example, with a pillow underneath the hips is one position that is regularly used by many. Try staying in bed at least 30 minutes after having sex in order to increase the sperm's chances of reaching the egg.

- Relax. Some couples are too pressured and try hard enough to get pregnant that they eventually end up getting stressed out. Try to relax and keep the whole thing fun, and remember to keep the emotional intimacy there.

Step 7. Do a pregnancy check test once you miss your monthly period.

Step 8. If these things don't work during the first try, repeat the steps.


- Be consistent and persistent with your pregnancy efforts. Remember to live a healthy lifestyle and take supplements on a regular basis.

- Lighten the mood for sex. Remember to keep sex as a sensual thing, and not just as a chore. Lighten up and don't feel too pressured when you and your partner have sex

- Consult your doctor before trying to get pregnant, before taking in vitamins or supplements for your pregnancy endeavors.


- There are pregnancy myths all over, and some can even be dangerous instead of helpful. Inform yourself before following any unsolicited (or even solicited) advice.

- Have yourself as well as your partner tested for any disease or illness before starting on your endeavors. - 30525

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