Infertility Information

By Linda Golden

A person's greatest joy and achievement in life is becoming a parent and sharing your life with a child. Regrettably, this may not come true for some people, who find it difficult to conceive. The inability to conceive and produce an offspring is an experience that unfortunately many people go through.

Studies state that women deal with the majority of in fertility cases. More than half of this is caused by the different conditions that women go through. The rest of the cases of infertility are due to the male's sperm disorder and other unexplained causes. Proper menstrual processes are needed for a woman to become pregnant once fertilization occurs. One of the most common causes of sterility is a problem with ovulation. Such problems that can result to infertility include uterine problems, tubal blockage and preceding tubal ligation.

A woman's age deeply affects her state of fertility. As a woman ages her ability to conceive naturally and normally decreases. As a rule, a woman loses approximately a thousand egg cells a month. Certain transmitter diseases, or PCO as well as endometriosis, are conditions that could eventually lead to infertility.

PID also known as Pelvic inflammatory Disease is another cause of female sterility. It is a severe inflammation of the pelvis caused by untreated vaginal or cervical infections such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia. These diseases can cause scarring in the fallopian tubes which subsequently causes a blockage when bacteria make its way through towards the uterus, ovaries and surrounding tissues. However, once PID has been successfully treated, pregnancy can often be achieved through in vitro fertilization

Another leading root of infertility is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). It is a hormonal disorder that causes a disruption in a woman's normal ovulation cycle. they inability to ovulate regularly is the reason why women with PCOS become sterile. Certain medication such as Metformin is capable in treating PCOS by correcting the body's hormone levels through the body's ability to absorb insulin.

In order to conceive successfully a couple needs to check their hormone levels. These hormones are created by the pancreas, ovaries , adrenal and thyroid glands. Infertility can be lead by any incuring diseases that can affect any of these.

Non medical reasons that cause infertility include the couple's lifestyles. There are several factors that can lead to a person to be sterile, these factors include smoking, too much alcohol consumption, the use of illicit medication, weight problems and so on.

Unsuccessful attempts to conceive can cause extreme stress for a couple who is trying really hard to do so. Not to mention that sometimes doctors are unable to pinpoint the problems. this is called unexplained fertility. Another way to take care of this is for the couple to try and not put too much pressure on themselves and try to get a better understanding of the woman's ovulation cycle in order to conceive successfully. The essential idea is to be as stress - free as possible. - 30525

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