Baby Gender Predictor - Is It A Boy Or A Girl ?

By Olivia Campbell-Price

When you become pregnant and share the news with your family and friends, they will invariably start guessing the baby's gender. Of course, they are just as excited whether it's a boy or a girl, but it seems that everyone turns into a baby gender predictor and has a trick or two up their sleeves to try on you.

You've probably heard of the different old wives tales about how you carry the baby, whether your belly is high or low will be a clue as to the baby's sex. Other baby gender predictor tips including dangling a needle over the expectant mom's belly and if it swings around in a circle it's a girl and a boy if the needle goes from side to side.

Reputed to be highly accurate as a baby gender predictor is the Chinese pregnancy or baby prediction calendar. This ancient document was uncovered in royal burial grounds in China and is till being used by women all over the world to determine their baby's sex as well as a tool in pre-pregnancy gender planning.

It used to be extremely difficult to predict a baby's gender before birth, but with the advent of the ultrasound machine, this has become a reality for many expectant parents. The best time to perform the sonogram is during the middle of the second trimester. It is a non-invasive procedure and can be quite accurate if performed under the right conditions.

Prior to undergoing an ultrasound examination, the mother might need to drink large amounts of water to enable a clearer picture to present itself. Other than a full bladder, there is little to no discomfort. The sonogram can be pretty accurate but there are factors which can obscure the details of the baby's gender such as the direction it is facing during examination. The baby's size and age can also affect the examination. For that reason, a sonogram as a baby gender predictor falls short of providing 100% accuracy.

The truth of the matter is that laboratory examination of the amniotic fluid is the only current means of accurately determining a baby's sex prior to birth. Unfortunately, amniocentesis is an invasive procedure which carries a risk of harm to the fetus and should never be undertaken for the sole purpose as a baby gender predictor.

These days, it's not uncommon for expectant parents to want to learn the sex of their baby beforehand. With busy lives and exciting, yet unknown changes, anything that can make the anticipation of a new baby's arrival a little easier is often a welcome relief. With baby gender predictor information, new parents can plan better and feel less harried when their precious bundle finally arrives. - 30525

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